Advanced Global Technology Digital Camera QSP 660 User Manual |
Owner’s Manual
Operating Instructions
Instructions for basic operation and installation
P/N 000-0865-002
Advanced Technology Video, Inc.
14842 NE 95th Street žRedmond, Washington 98052
Phone 888/288-7644ž425/885-7000žFax 425/881-7014
Thank you for purchasing Advanced Technology Video’s QSP-660 four camera Real Time Quad. This
instruction manual describes the powerful features of this product for basic and advanced operation. It also
covers the installation steps that will allow quick and easy integration into your security system.
The following section provides an overview of the operational features of the QSP-660. If you are familiar with
the QSP-660, you should proceed to the Getting Started section on page 4 for step-by-step installation
Live Camera Displays
The QSP-660 is initially in the Live Camera Display mode whenever power is applied to the unit. Live cameras
can be displayed in quad, PIP, dual PIP, split screen, squish screen, or full frame formats. In addition, any
display can be frozen using a front panel button, the IR remote control, or external signal input. In any of these
display modes, the unit can be programmed to sequence one or more cameras with a programmable dwell
DigiLock and Playback
In VCR playback mode, digital information is used to compensate for the poor vertical synchronization signals
frequently encountered with time lapse VCRs.
The QSP-660 DigiLock decoding reconstructs the timing so that successfully decoded frames are read into
monitor display memory consistently without any jumping, tearing, or other side-effects of poor synchronization.
VCR Bypass
Many VCRs have on-screen programming menus that require a monitor for programming the VCR. The QSP-
660 includes a VCR Bypass feature that facilitates VCR programming by allowing the QSP-660 VCR input
(VCR’s video output) to be routed directly to the display monitor.
Advanced Alarm System with Alarm Scheduling
The QSP-660 contains the most advanced and flexible Alarm System available in a video real time quad. The
QSP-660 Advanced Alarm System supports External Alarms and Video Loss Alarms. In addition, the QSP-660
alarm system can be enabled and disabled through a 7-day Alarm Schedule and/or a user programmable
external Master Enable signal.
The QSP-660 has four alarm channels associated with the four camera inputs. Each alarm channel includes a
programmable external alarm and Video Loss Alarm. External alarm inputs are individually selectable for
contact closure or opening as well as logic levels (+5V, 0V). Each alarm channel may also be individually
selected for enable/disable through the QSP-660 Alarm Schedule. The Alarm Schedule is a 7-day timer
schedule with a single ON and OFF time associated with each day of the week. The QSP-660 also has an
external input signal that can be selected between picture Freeze and Alarm Master Enable. The Alarm Master
Enable signal can be used in conjunction with your burglar alarm control panel so that the alarm control panel
can enable or disable the QSP-660 alarm system. For more information on “Alarm Scheduling” see page 13.
Alarm Log and Printing
The QSP-660 has an internal Alarm Log that provides storage for up to 100 alarm events. In addition, its text
can be transmitted to the serial port for printing or storage on a host computer. The Alarm Log is a circular
storage buffer so that the most recent alarm events are always stored. Alarm event text can also be sent directly
to the serial port, when an event occurs, for immediate printing or external processing. Alarm events, which may
be printed and stored in the Alarm Log, include any enabled External Alarms or Video Loss Alarms. For
instructions on the use of the QSP-660 alarm log and printing features see “Alarm Log” on page 15.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 3
Alarm Inputs
Optional for VCR
Alarm Out
The above diagram shows the typical 4-camera installation for the QSP-660. Up to four cameras can be
connected to the real time quad using the back panel connectors.
Note: The VCR and monitor connections must be as shown above for proper operation.
Installation Steps
The following steps should be followed to ensure proper connection and set up of your QSP-660.
A diagram showing the overall connection configuration of the QSP-660 is shown above.
The installation steps are:
Connect your cameras, monitor, and VCR (if recording is necessary) to the QSP-660. Refer to
the “Back Panel Connections” and “Video Line Termination Switches” section on page 5 for
proper connections and switch settings for your particular installation.
Power up the QSP-660, then enter the QSP-660 set up menus by pressing and holding the
DISPLAY button for approximately 3 seconds. Refer to the Set Up menus section of the
manual starting on page 8. Set the current time and date in the QSP-660 using the Set
Time/Date menu.
Exit the QSP-660 menus by pressing the DISPLAY button to exit each menu and finally the
menu system.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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If your VCR has internal on-screen menus for its set up, use the VCR Bypass feature of the
QSP-660 to view the VCR’s on-screen menus on the display monitor. See the “VCR Bypass
Function” description on page 3.
At this point, the basic configuration of your QSP-660 is complete. You may now proceed to set
more advanced functions as required for your installation (alarms, camera labels, etc.) Refer to
the Advanced Function menus starting on page 9 for detailed information.
The four-camera input BNC connectors are labeled LOOP and the factory default configuration is 75 ohm
termination ON. One DIP switch and three jumpers inside the unit (see section below) determine whether each
inputs’ 75 ohm termination is ON or OFF.
Connect the QSP-660 VCR IN to the video output of the VCR and the QSP-660 VCR OUT to the video input of
the VCR. The alarm connector is a standard DB-15, which will mate with the included alarm wire adapter board
or standard computer-type cable. See page 18 for further alarm connection information.
Camera 4
Camera 3
Camera 1
Camera 2
*This switch must be in the position shown for proper QSP-660 operation.
The video line termination switches/jumpers for each camera input are located in the rear of the unit and are
accessed by removing the top cover. The switches/jumpers are in the order shown above when looking down
on the circuit board. The above switches/jumpers are shown in the factory default settings (75 ohm terminations
Note: There is an additional termination switch for the VCR input on position 4 of SW 4.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 5
Your QSP-660 has seven mode control buttons and four numbered camera buttons which allow easy access to
all modes of operation. The seven mode buttons on the left are used to control monitor display operations and
VCR playback. An LED below each button will light when the unit is in the mode corresponding to that button.
Note: Live camera display modes will affect recording. Following is a summary of each button’s
function and the QSP-660 operating modes.
During live mode, this button selects the quad display. It will also return the unit to the quad display mode from
any other (non-quad) display mode. A push and hold of this button for approximately 3 seconds will bring up the
QSP-660 set up main menu.
In all display modes a press of this button will freeze the camera image(s) on the monitor display (the output to
the VCR recording is also frozen in this case). Another push of this button will deactivate the freeze mode.
A button press will activate the camera sequencing for the live mode. Another push of this button will deactivate
the sequencing mode. The default camera hold time is 3 seconds.
When starting in the quad or full screen camera display in live display mode, pressing the PIP (Picture-in-
Picture) button will cause the unit to switch to the Single PIP display. Additional presses will cycle the unit
through Dual PIP, Split Screen, Squish Screen, Full Frame and back to Single PIP displays.
This button rotates the orientation of the cameras clockwise on the screen into the desired positions in PIP, Dual
PIP, Split Screen, and Squish Screen display modes.
The ZOOM function will expand a quadrant of any image in playback mode. Repeated presses of this button will
rotate through the quadrants.
Pressing this button will switch monitor display from the live camera display mode to the VCR playback mode.
The LED indicator will light to show that VCR playback is now possible.
VCR Bypass Function.
The VCR Bypass function is activated by a long button press of the VCR button for approximately 3 seconds.
While in VCR Bypass mode, the QSP-660 will pass the VCR output directly to the monitor. A single push of the
VCR button will return the unit to normal VCR playback mode and a second push will return the unit to live
display mode.
CAMERA Buttons (1 Through 4)
The individual camera buttons 1 through 4 are used to select which camera is to be used for display purposes
during live display modes and as zoom in playback. In addition, camera buttons 1 through 4 are also used in the
QSP-660 set up menus.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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The IR remote control provided with your QSP-660 has a limited set of buttons. Operation with the remote
control is slightly different than the front panel. The remote control has a single CAMERA button for selecting
cameras and successive button presses will rotate through the available cameras. Sequencing is initiated by
pressing and holding the remote control’s FREEZE button for approximately 3 seconds. Pressing the
QUADRANT button anytime in VCR playback accesses the ZOOM function.
Note: Menus are not available through the remote control. The remote control must be
programmed when the batteries are removed. See “Programming Your ATV QSP-660 Remote
Control” on page 17.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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The QSP-660 set up is accomplished through its on-screen menus. To enter the menu system, push and hold
the DISPLAY button for approximately 3 seconds. The display will then show the top-level menu. Selection of
any menu item is done with the camera buttons. Selecting DISPLAY will exit the present menu level.
Main Menu
Advanced Technology Video
QSP660 V3.200
1. Enters Set Time/Date menu to program the internal
clock and select time and date display options.
1: Set Time/Date . . .
2: Camera Set Up . . .
3: Sequence Set Up . . .
4: Alarm Set Up . . .
5: Other Options . . .
6: Language
2. Enters Camera Set Up menu to program camera
3. Enters Display Sequence Set Up menu to set
sequence cameras to be displayed.
4. Enters Alarm Set Up menu to enable/disable alarms
and program alarm action.
Camera: Select
5 is VCR + 1
6 is VCR + 2
5. (Press VCR+1) Enters the Other Options menu
where you can select remote control code, program a
security code for locking out the menus and the front
panel buttons, or reset unit to factory defaults.
DISPLAY: Exit Menu System
6. (Press VCR+2) Selects the language used for QSP-
660 menus and messages.
Set Time/Date
Time and date for the on-screen calendar and clock is set from this menu.
Set Time/Date
23 MAR 98 MON
1. Edits the hour of the day. In 24-hour mode, 0 through
23 are accepted as entered.
1: Edit Hours 4: Edit Day
2: Edit Minutes 5: Edit Month
3: Edit Seconds 6: Edit Year
7: Edit Day of Week
8: Time format AM/PM/24hr
9: Other Display Options
2. Edits the minutes field. Only values 0 through 59 are
3. Edits the seconds field. Only values 0 through 59 are
4. Edits the day of the month. Only valid values for the
month selected will be accepted.
Camera: Select
5 is VCR + 1
6 is VCR + 2
7 is VCR + 3
8 is VCR + 4
0 is PIP
5. (Press VCR+1) Advances the month with each press.
6. (Press VCR+2) Edits the year.
7. (Press VCR+3) Edits the day of the week.
8. (Press VCR+4) Toggles the format between 24-hour
AM / PM.
9. (Press QUADRANT) Enters the Other Display
Options menu to turn the Time/Date display on or off,
or to change the position of the display on the screen.
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
The times shown in this menu come directly from the internal
clock. Actual time is constantly changing while new values are entered. All the values shown on the screen
are updated any time one of them is entered. To accurately set the clock to the desired time, edit the
SECONDS entry last. The current time and date are preserved if a new entry is not accepted or completed.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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Other Display Options
Other Display Options
This menu determines the display behavior of the date and
time information for both the VCR and monitor camera
1: Location
Lower Right
2: Display
1. Toggles the time and date display location through
any one of the four display quadrants for live camera
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
2. Toggles the time and date for the monitor display
This section describes the use of the advanced functions of the QSP-660. The following features allow you to
customize the operation of your QSP-660 as necessary to complete your installation.
Camera Set Up
Camera Set Up
This menu determines the display behavior of the camera
labels and allows access to menus for entering/changing
1: Labels on Display: On
2: Change Labels . . .
PIP: Restore Default Settings
Camera: Select
1. Toggles the camera labels On/Off for the monitor display.
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
2. Enters Camera Labels menu to review, enter, or change
camera labels.
Camera Label Changing
This menu is used for adding/changing labels that are
associated with each of the four cameras.
Camera Labels
PIP: Space 0
1: ABC1
2: DEF2
3: GHI3
1. . . . . . . . . . .
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
1 - 4
Selects the camera for editing and exposes the
legend at the right hand side of the screen. After
pressing a camera button 1 through 4, the display
will appear as shown.
4: JKL4
5: MNO5
6: PQR6
7: STU7
8: VWX8
9: YZ9
Using the legend, any character can be entered in the present
character location. The SEQUENCE button is used to move
to the next location.
5 is VCR + 1
6 is VCR + 2
7 is VCR + 3
8 is VCR + 4
SEQUENCE: Next Character
DISPLAY: Accept Label
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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Sequence Set Up
A unique feature of the QSP-660 is the option to customize the display sequence format to suit your
application. You can program a specific selection of cameras for sequencing.
Display Sequence Set Up
1. Enters edit mode for hold (dwell) time.
1: Hold Each Image for: 3 Sec.
2: Full Camera Call Up . . .
3: Quad . . .
4: PIP . . .
While editing:
1 - 4
Used to enter digits 1 through 4
VCR + 1-2
5 - 6
5: Dual PIP . . .
6: Split/Squish
Completes the entry if less than three digits
and returns to the previous value if no
digits are entered.
PIP: Restore Default Settings
Camera: Select
5 is VCR + 1
2. Enters Full Camera Display Sequence format menu.
3. Enters Quad Display Sequence menu.
6 is VCR + 2
4. Enters PIP Display Sequence menu.
5. Enters Dual PIP Display Sequence menu.
6. Enters Split/Squish Display Sequence format menu.
Note: Any changed camera display sequence will not be
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
applied until the display sequencing mode is activated by the front panel button.
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Sequencing Format Screens
Full Camera Display
Quad Display Sequence
PIP Display Sequence
1: Background: As is
2: Insert: 1 2 3 4
1: Upper Left: 1 . . .
2: Upper Right: . 2 . .
3: Lower Left: . . 3 .
4: Lower Right: . . . 4
1: Cameras: 1 2 3 4
Enter Cameras you want
displayed in the sequence
Enter Cameras you want
displayed in the sequence
Enter Cameras you want
displayed in the sequence
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
Dual PIP Display Sequence
1: Background: As is
Split/Squish Display Sequence
1: Left:
As is
2: Insert 1:
3: Insert 2:
1 2 3 4
As is
2: Right:
1 2 3 4
Enter Cameras you want
displayed in the sequence
Enter Cameras you want
displayed in the sequence
Camera: Select
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
The above screens show the factory default values. The most commonly used sequencing is the full frame
or quad formats as shown above. You can customize any or all formats, and may have more than one
section of a multi-camera display defined for sequencing. For any particular camera display, cameras are
sequenced in ascending numerical order and cameras cannot be repeated. For example, if the pattern
“1,3,4,2,1,3” were entered, the software will translate this to “. 2 . 4 “
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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Alarm Set Up
1: External Alarms . . .
2: Video Loss Alarms . . .
3: Set Alarm Enable Schedule . . .
4: Enable Scheduled Alarms . . .
5: Alarm Control Options . . .
6: Alarm Log . . .
Alarm Set Up
1. Enters individual cameras for External Alarms menu.
2. Enters individual camera Video Loss Alarms.
3. Enters Set Alarm Enable Schedule menu.
4. Enters Enable Scheduled Alarms menu.
5. (Press VCR+1) Enters Alarm Control Options menu.
6. (Press VCR+2) Enters Alarm Log menu.
7: Serial Alarm Output: Off
PIP: Restore Default Settings
Camera: Select
7. (Press VCR+3) Toggles Serial Alarm Output between
On and Off. (The factory default is “Off”). When Serial
Alarm Output is On, alarm event text will be sent
directly to the serial port (printer) as well as the Alarm
Log. The Serial Alarm Output does not need to be On
in order to output (print) the Alarm Log.
5 is VCR + 1
6 is VCR + 2
7 is VCR + 3
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
External Alarms
External Alarms
1 - 4
Toggles external alarms ON/OFF.
When an alarm event occurs on the camera alarm enabled
with this menu, an alarm output will be generated if the
alarming camera input is enabled through the Enable
Scheduled Alarms menu (See Alarm Scheduling on the page
13). If the event is allowed to occur, the alarming camera(s)
will be displayed. When an alarm is disabled (Off), an alarm
input will not affect any aspect of the VCR or the live camera
display. Alarms that are turned off will not generate an alarm
1: On
2: On
3: On
4: On
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
Video Loss Alarms
1 - 4
Toggles the selected camera Video Loss alarm
between On and Off. (The factory default is “Off”).
Video Loss Alarms
An alarm will be generated upon loss of video input on any
camera with the Video Loss Alarm enabled, provided the
camera’s alarming input is enabled through the Enable
Scheduled Alarms menu. The No Video message will be
displayed anytime a camera video input is not present,
regardless of the alarm settings.
1: Off
2: Off
3: Off
4: Off
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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Alarm Scheduling
The QSP-660 contains a very flexible and advanced alarming system designed to provide an optimum
solution for any installation. Along with the ability to enable various types of alarm inputs, a built in 7-day
timer may also be used to individually enable and disable each alarm. The following menus are used to set
the timer and select which alarms the timer will control.
Set Alarm Enable Schedule
Set Alarm Enable Schedule
1 - 7
Selects one of the days of the week to modify on
and off times.
On Time Off Time
1: Monday
2: Tuesday
Copies the on and off times of Monday to all the
other weekdays (Tuesday – Friday).
3: Wednesday 18:00
4: Thursday
5: Friday
6: Saturday
7: Sunday
(Press QUADRANT.) Copies the On and Off
times of Saturday to Sunday.
When a day of the week is selected for scheduling (1-7), the
display will change to reflect the time you are editing and
additional button functions will be displayed. When editing
times for a selected day, the FREEZE button will set the
alarm system to be On All Day. Similarly, the ZOOM button
will set the alarm system to be Off All Day. When editing a
time field, camera buttons are used to enter digits 1 through 4
(5-8 are entered as VCR +1-4), the QUADRANT button is
used to enter 9, and the PIP button is used to enter 0. The
SEQUENCE button will move to the next editable field up
through the last editable field where it will accept the line and
return the display to the non-edit mode as shown. The
DISPLAY button will accept the current entry and move to the
next editable field up through the last editable field where it
will accept the line and return the display to the non-edit mode
as shown.
8: Copy Monday to Tuesday – Friday
9: Copy Saturday to Sunday
Camera: Select
5 is VCR + 1
6 is VCR + 2
7 is VCR + 3
8 is VCR + 4
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
Note: The setting of the hours format in the Set Time/Date menu will determine the hours
display in this menu. Also, note that when the system is in 12-hour time mode, the AM/PM field
must also be edited. The factory default times for each day of the week are on at 18:00
(6:00PM) and off at 06:00 (6:00AM).
Enable Scheduled Alarms
Enable Scheduled Alarms
1 - 4
Toggles the selected camera alarm enable
between Normal and Schedule. (The factory
default is “Normal”.
1: Normal
2: Normal
3: Normal
4: Normal
When Normal enable mode is selected, camera alarm event
types selected through the Alarm Control Options menu
(see page 14) and will generate an alarm. Similarly, when
Scheduled enable mode is selected, the same camera alarm
event will only generate an alarm if the current time and day
of the week fall within the On and Off times specified in the
Set Alarm Enable Schedule menu (see above). Camera
alarm events occurring outside of the On and Off times
specified will be ignored when “Schedule” enable mode is
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 13
Alarm Control Options
Alarm Control Options
1. Enters the Set Alarm Hold Times menu.
2. Enters the Set Alarm Activation Type menu.
1: Set Alarm Hold Times . . .
2: Set Alarm Activation Type . . .
3: External Control Input: Freeze
4: Master Enable Input Type:
Logic Low
3. Toggles the External Control Input between Picture
Freeze and alarm Master Enable. (The factory default
is “Picture Freeze”.)
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
4. Toggles the alarm Master Enable Input Type
between Logic Low and Logic High. (The factory
default is “Logic Low)
When the External Control Input is selected to be picture
Freeze, a single pulse on the input will freeze the current
picture on the main display. Another single pulse will return
the display to its normal updating mode. When Master Enable
is selected as the external control input, the entire QSP-660
alarm system will be enabled or disabled by this input according to
the logic level specified by the Master Enable Input Type setting.
This input can be used to control the QSP-660 alarm system
from a burglar alarm system, or other external control system.
Set Alarm Hold Times
Alarm Dwell Adjustment
1: Hold Detected Alarms
1. Allows changing the alarm ACTIVATION HOLD time.
1 Sec.
2: Disable Detected Alarms
after: 0 Sec.
2. Allows setting of a MAXIMUM time for an alarm to be
3: Hold Alarmed Images
3. Allows changing the monitor alarm display
3 Sec.
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
Some alarming devices (such as some motion detectors)
generate very brief alarms lasting only a fraction of a second.
The Hold Detected Alarms time is the amount of time that
the alarm event will be held so that the alarm camera image
can be kept on the display screen and to the VCR.
The maximum time for holding an alarm display set in the Disable Detected Alarms option will determine
how long a continuous alarm camera will be displayed. This can be adjusted so that a continuous alarm will
not consume all of the VCR’s record time. A value of zero will result in no time limit for an alarm display.
(The factory default is “0”).
The Hold Alarmed Images time determines the image display hold time during multi-camera alarms. When
multiple alarms occur simultaneously, the monitor display will sequence between all cameras with alarms
using this dwell time.
Both delay times are adjustable from 1 to 255 seconds. The default is 1 second for the activation hold and 3
seconds for the sequence dwell time. Camera buttons are used to enter digits 1 through 4 (5-8 is VCR +1-
4) the QUADRANT button is used to enter digit 9, and the PIP button is used to enter 0. The DISPLAY
button stops the editing of a delay value.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 14
Alarm Activation Type
Set Alarm Activation Type
1: Contact Closure
1 - 4
Toggles individual camera alarm types between
Contact Closure, Contact Open, Logic Low, or
Logic High, triggering the alarm.
2: Contact Closure
3: Contact Closure
4: Contact Closure
In many applications the switch contact connection is
between the alarm input pin and the chassis or signal ground.
In the QSP-660 the contact connection can be between either
the ground (alarm connector pin 15) or the +5V (alarm
connector pin 13). In some alarming devices this is not a
metallic switch contact but rather a solid state device that
grounds (Logic Low) the input as a normal condition or as an
alarm condition. The four activation modes are provided to
Camera: Select
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
simplify connection to most alarm sources. (The factory default Alarm Activation Type is “Contact Closure”).
The QSP-660 alarm activation is defined as follows:
Contact Closure:
Contact Open:
Logic Low:
The alarm pin is connected to a current source (either +5V or ground).
The alarm pin is not connected to any current source (unconnected pin).
A logic “low” level less than 0.8V (ground) is present at the alarm pin.
A logic “high” level greater than 2.4V (+5V) is present at the alarm pin.
Logic High:
Alarm Log
Alarm Log
Page 1/1
The Alarm Log menu is used to view the current contents of
the internal Alarm Log and to clear the log or transmit the log
contents to the serial port for printing. The Alarm Log contains
the time, date, camera number, and type of alarm for each
alarm event that has been stored. It can store up to 100 alarm
events at which point new alarm events continue to be stored
and replace the oldest event in the buffer. An Overflow
message is displayed in the upper left corner of the Alarm
Log menu if more than 100 events have occurred indicating
older alarm events have been displaced. An alarm event is
generated when any enabled and valid scheduled External or
Video Loss alarm occurs. For more information see Alarm
Scheduling on page 13. The Alarm Log is a very useful tool
for reviewing the VCR recording allowing rapid location and
review of recorded video time periods of interest.
Cam Type
12:07:39 23MAR98 Restore User
FREEZE:Print Log
The Alarm Log may be printed on a serial interface printer that is connected to the QSP-660 Serial Port. The
log may also be sent to a host computer for storage or processing rather than a printer.
The Alarm Log can be cleared by pressing the ZOOM button.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 15
Other Options
Other Options
The Other Options menu provides access to the advanced
QSP-660 systems options.
1: Remote Control:
Code 2
2: Security Set Up . . .
3: Text Color:
4: Text Background:
5: VCR Playback:
Toggles the IR remote control code setting
between Code 1, Code 2, and remote Off. (See
“Programming your ATV QSP-660 Remote
Control” on page 17.)
PIP: Restore ALL Settings
to Factory Defaults
Camera: Select
5 is VCR + 1
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
Enters the Security Set Up menu for establishing
a security lockout code.
Toggles On-screen text color between White,
Light Grey, and Dark Grey.
Toggles the text background between On and
(VCR +1) Toggles the VCR playback video format between field and frame.
Security Set Up
Security lockout is a means to disable the QSP-660 menus so
that casual or inadvertent tampering can be prevented. It is
not intended as a hard security measure and can be
bypassed by removing the QSP-660 power followed by
applying power and simultaneously pressing the DISPLAY
button until the ATV name appears. This is not the preferred
method of bypassing security because this step also returns
all internal parameters and options to their factory defaults.
Security Set Up
Menus are Unlocked
1: Lock Menus
2: Unlock Menus
3: Button Lock:
4: Security IR Lock:
5: Serial Lock:
The security feature requires that a security code (password)
of 1 to 9 digits be entered and verified. The security lockout
does not become active until the menus have been exited.
When Button Lock is turned on, it will disable all front panel
operations. A long press of the DISPLAY button will still
enable menus. Security IR Lock and Serial Lock, when On,
will disable all IR remote button and serial interface
operations respectively.
Camera: Select
5 is VCR + 1
DISPLAY: Accept and Return
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 16
The hand held remote control allows easy remote operation of your QSP-660
by duplicating the front panel buttons as shown in the diagram. One major
difference between front panel and remote operation is that the individual
camera buttons have been reduced to a single button. In this case, the first
press of the camera button will cause the QSP-660 to display camera 1.
Additional button presses will cycle the selection through each available
camera and back to camera 1.
Please note that the remote control may not work properly in the presence of
strong sun light.
Programming your ATV QSP-660 Remote Control
When first installing or when changing the batteries in your QSP-660 Remote
Control, it may be necessary to reprogram it for use with the
Note: If your remote control does not appear to work for any
reason, please perform the following steps.
To program the remote control to work with the QSP-660:
Ensure that batteries are properly installed in the QSP-660 Remote
Turn on the QSP-660 and connect a monitor.
On the QSP-660, press the DISPLAY button to return to DISPLAY
mode. Then press any of the 1-4 buttons to call up a full screen picture.
On the remote control, press and hold the VCR button followed by the
DISPLAY. Hold both buttons together until the indicator lights up and
blinks twice.
Enter your five-digit code. The QSP-660 code set #1 equates to remote code 11414, and code set #2
equates to code set 11344. The red LED will now blink twice and the remote control is set. Your QSP-
660 is factory set for Code set #2. See page 16 to change the QSP-660 Code set.
The codes are entered by using the four buttons shown in the above diagram (Freeze, Camera,
Quadrant, PIP). For example, to enter the default code for a QSP-660 (code 11344) press the
Code set #1
Code set #2
Press the DISPLAY button on the remote control for quad display on the QSP-660.
Note: After replacing the battery, you must re-program the remote.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 17
1K Ohm
The alarm connector on the back panel allows input of four external
control signals to affect the behavior of the real time quad under
alarm conditions. Alarm inputs are provided for each camera. A
picture freeze input is also provided to allow the picture to be frozen.
These inputs are normally generated by a switch located at a door,
window, or other point in the installation where a camera is
monitoring activity. Many installations use an open switch that
requires a switch closure to activate the alarm. As part of the QSP-
660’s normal alarm video processing, an alarm output is generated
on the same back panel connector. In addition to the alarm inputs, a
picture freeze input is also provided. While picture freeze is
activated, any present camera image is retained on the display and
new video information is ignored. A picture freeze does not trigger
the alarm output.
1: Alarm #1
2: Alarm #2
3: Alarm #3
4: Alarm #4
10: Picture freeze
13: Alarm out pwr
100 Ohm
100 Ohm
15: Alarm ground
9: Alarm output
Alarm inputs contain series resistors for ESD (Electro Static
Discharge) and lightning damage protection. The outputs also
contain series resistors to limit output current to prevent damage to
the QSP-660 in the occurrence of shorting out the output pin.
(50 mA maximum)
QSP-660 Alarm Port Internal
Electrical Equivalent
Note: When connecting the inputs and outputs up
to other equipment, consideration should be given
to the limitations introduced by these current-
limiting resistors.
The alarm connector on the QSP-660 is a DB-15,
15-pin connector. For ease of installation, a breakout
adapter is provided with the 16th terminal connected to
chassis ground. A simple alarm connection is shown to
the right using the QSP-660 alarm breakout adapter. In
Typical Alarm Connections
using the Breakout Adapter
Alarm Switches
the example to the right, switches are connected
OPEN = no alarm
CLOSED = alarm activate
directly to the alarm inputs, and a single output is
connected to some signaling device or to a controlled
piece of equipment. In this case, an external resistor is
required to pull the output up to +5V (High) indicating a
non-alarm condition.
The external resistor makes connection to higher
voltage systems possible, such as a 12 VDC
automobile system. In this application, the pull-up
resistor is not tied to the QSP-660 +5V pin, but to the
higher voltage system. Voltages greater than +5V must
not exceed 30 VDC and the current through the output
pin must not exceed 50 mA.
Alarm Output
(To indicator, VCR, etc.)
+5V = High = no alarm
0V = Low = alarm activated
(30VDC, 50mA max)
Alarm Output
Vout = High = no alarm
0V = Low = alarm activated
Failure to remain within the 30 VDC and 50 mA
restriction could damage either the QSP-660, the
output signaling device, or both.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 18
In some installations, the alarm output is used to activate or deactivate high voltage and/or high current circuitry
(110 VAC lights, siren, etc.) which cannot be controlled directly by the QSP-660.
The easiest method to address the above cases is to use a relay, which has the number and rating on its
contacts sufficient for the alarm output. Shown below are two methods to control a high current or high voltage
device using a relay with a single, normally open contact. An internal, current limiting resistor for the pin 9 +5V
supply will limit the usable relay current to something less than 10 mA (depending on the coil impedance). If a
higher voltage or higher current relay is used, an external supply is required. Under these conditions the open
circuit voltage (no alarm) on pin 9 must not exceed 30 VDC and the closed circuit current (alarm active) into pin
9 must be less than 50 mA.
The breakout adapter board is numbered compatibly with the DB-15 connector so the following table is
applicable to either.
Note: Pin 16 is only present on the Breakout Adapter and is connected to chassis ground.
High Current/Voltage Alarm Output
To be used when output current exceeds 50 mA
or when, non-alarm voltage exceeds 30 VDC.
Voltage/Current limited by contacts of the
relay being used.
1 Alarm1
2 Alarm2
3 Alarm3
4 Alarm4
5 NA
6 NA
7 NA
8 NA
Alarm Out (< 50 mA)
10 Freeze/Master Enable
11 (reserved for future use)
12 (reserved for future use)
13 +5V ( < 10 mA)
14 (reserved for future use)
15 Signal ground (< 10 mA)
16 Chassis ground
CLOSED = Alarm activated
OPEN = No alarm
5 VDC Relay
Less than 10 mA
CLOSED = No alarm
OPEN = Alarm activated
CLOSED = Alarm activated
= No alarm
Vout Relay
+30 VDC, 50 mA max.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 19
The QSP-660 has a built in RS-232 serial interface that supports remote control of the QSP-660 through simple
ASCII commands. These commands provide access to the front panel button operations just as the IR Remote
Control does.
The QSP-660 serial interface is fixed at 2400 baud, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. It uses the very simple
command format:
<command> <return>
The command is 2 character or 2 character plus parameter and must be followed by a carriage return. The
QSP-660 will respond with:
if the command was recognized, or
if the command was not recognized or is invalid
The following commands are supported by the QSP-660 serial interface and behave just as if the indicated front
panel button was pushed:
Display button
Sequence button - will cause QSP-660 to start or stop sequencing during live mode.
PIP button
Quadrant button
VCR button - will cause the QSP-660 to enter or exit VCR playback mode
Freeze button - will cause the QSP-660 to freeze during live mode
VCR button - will cause the QSP-660 to enter the VCR bypass mode
BC n Camera buttons - is a number 1 through 4 corresponding to the camera number. A space or tab
must be entered between the command and the number.
Zoom button – will expand a quadrant of any image in playback. Repeated entries of this
command will rotate through the quadrants.
Commands only take a fraction of a second to execute within the QSP-660. However, there must be a
delay of at least 0.3 seconds (300 milliseconds) between the carriage return and start of the next
command. The command decode prompt (>) may occur before the command has finished executing and
should not be used as an indication to send the next command.
For proper RS-232 operation, the 8 position DIP switch, SW 5, located next to the DB-9 RS-232 interface
connector within the QSP-660 must be set to the factory default positions as indicated below. The DB-9
connector pinout corresponds to a standard 9-pin DCE (modem) device.
Signal ground
TX+ (out) RS232 or 422
RX+ (in) RS232 or 422
Signal ground
Signal ground
Signal ground
TX- (out) RS422
RX- (in) RS422
Signal ground
SW 5
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 20
The QSP-660 is designed to be compatible with all EIA and CCIR compatible equipment. The QSP-660 will
accept 2:1 interlace cameras in either a line-locked or free running (internal reference) modes. The use of
random interlace camera is not recommended unless the line lock is turned off.
Dimensions...........................................................11-5/16 w X 9 d X 2-3/8 h
(288 mm X 229 mm X 61 mm)
Weight .................................................................2.6 lbs. (1.17 kg), Power Supply: 1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg)
Operating Temp ...................................................32°F - 104°F (0°C - 40°C)
Signal Format.......................................................EIA/CCIR Compatible Monochrome
EIA: 525 lines, 60 Fields / sec.
CCIR: 625 lines, 50 Fields / sec.
Camera Inputs......................................................0.6 to 1.2 Vp-p 75 Ohm Termination
Monitor Output......................................................1.2 Vp-p into 75 Ohms
Digital Sampling ...................................................512H x 512V x 8 Bits (256 Gray Levels)
Refresh Rate ........................................................30 Fields Per Second (EIA)
25 Fields Per Second (CCIR)
Power ...................................................................12 V AC @ 2 Amp
Safety ...................................................................110V, 60Hz Power Supply: UL Listed and CSA Certified
220V, 50Hz Power Supply: CE Mark and VDE approved
EMI .......................................................................FCC Part 15, Class A
CE Certified EN50081-1 (emissions), EN50082-1 (immunity)
Video In ................................................................BNC, 1 Per Camera, Terminating, or Hi Z (4 Total)
Loop Thru.............................................................BNC, 1 Per Camera
Monitor Video Out ................................................BNC
VCR Video Out.....................................................BNC
VCR Video In........................................................BNC
Serial Port.............................................................DB9
Alarm ....................................................................DB15 with Screw On Adapter Board
12 VAC, or 12 VDC ..............................................Power Jack, 0.080 Pin Diameter
DISPLAY ..............................................................Return to Quad Display
SEQUENCE .........................................................Calls Up Selected Sequence Mode
FREEZE ...............................................................Freeze current display image
PIP........................................................................Calls Up Next PIP Mode
QUADRANT .........................................................Rotates Quadrant
ZOOM...................................................................Activates Zoom
VCR......................................................................Enables/Disables VCR Input for Recorder Playback
FOUR CAMERA BUTTONS (1-4)........................Calls Up Individual Cameras Full Screen
IR Remote ............................................................Duplicates Front Panel Controls
Termination Switches...........................................Selects 75 Ohm or Hi-Z Termination for 4 Video Inputs
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 21
Thank you for purchasing this Advanced Technology Video, Inc., hereinafter ATV, product. We have
manufactured this product in accordance with high quality standards and when used in the manner intended, it
has a limited warranty against defects in material and workmanship for a period of five (5) years from
the date of shipment from ATV. During the warranty period ATV’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy
shall be, at ATV’s option, upon receipt of proof of purchase, repair or replacement of products that prove to be
defective. Repair of a defective product is contingent upon availability of replacement parts from their
manufacturer. Should ATV be unable to obtain replacement parts, ATV will, at its option, pro rate the value of
the defective product and offer this amount toward the purchase of any new ATV product.
For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by ATV. Within the
United States, you must obtain a return authorization (RMA) number by calling (888) 288-7644. Outside of the
United States, contact your sales representative or the ATV factory at (425) 885-7000 (email: For ATV factory service after obtaining an RMA number, send the product with shipping
charges and applicable duties and taxes paid, along with a copy of your sales receipt or other proof of purchase
and date of purchase to the ATV factory address.
All ATV products containing a date and time function meet Year 2000 Conformity Requirements as specified in
BSI DISC PD2000-1 (described below). Year 2000 requirements do not apply to ATV products without a date
and time function. ATV products’ date format is Day – Month – Year where Year is a two-digit representation of
the year. Conformity is defined as follows:
1. No value for the current date will cause any interruption in operation of the product.
2. Date-based functionality within the product behaves consistently for dates prior to, during and after year
3. The 2 digit date within the product is implicitly assumed to be greater than 1990.
4. Year 2000 is recognized as a leap year.
This warranty covers normal use and does not cover damage which occurs in shipment or failure which results
from alteration, accident, misuse, neglect, voltage fluctuations, lightning, water damage (or other acts of God),
faulty installation or adjustment of controls, interfacing with non-standard or custom equipment, or improper
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class A digital device, pursuant to part
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause
harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his expense.
QSP-660: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 22
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